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Akasi: How to Achieve Success?

There are many people out there, that have an idea in their mind, they have the targeted audience they want, and even know the resources, but cannot find the direction to achieve their goals. Well, if you are one of these people, keep on reading, you are going to learn a lot. And if you are not among these people, you can read as well, maybe you’ll understand why you shouldn’t be so lazy……

There’s a new trend of young entrepreneurs, taking the market competition for themselves. Like the volatile place, media industry of Pakistan is, most of these companies fail and only some are able to survive. Then there are those that are able to learn and adapt to the market really quickly. We’ll be talking about a company, that against several odds didn’t only survive through these obstacles but have also established itself as one of the most promising photography and videography studios in Lahore: Akasi Pvt Ltd. The company has so far collaborated with,

- Profine Furniture industries

- Elite Engineering (Private) Limited

- Think Big

- Wedding Wiz

- Brandzila


Akasi was found and is currently being operated by the young and ambitious Fiaz Ali. He is currently completing his bachelor’s in Marketing and Sales. We had the privilege of meeting him in his office and ask him some very interesting questions regarding the struggles he went through to establish himself as a young and successful entrepreneur. This was what he had to say when we asked about his inspiration to create Akasi.

“Akasi is basically the result of years and years of learning the craft by the core, be it photography, videography, designing and anything related to media. Now it’s me implementing all that I have learned throughout the years towards a goal of making a higher quality of services accessible to all those who look for it. Through Akasi, I am envisioning a brighter future for our digital media industry.”

Fiaz Ali is clearly a man of ambition. One of the struggles that he mentioned during his journey, was that new clients were reluctant to make a deal with a businessman so young. Many companies even pulled out of collaboration with Akasi because of this issue. So how did Fiaz gather the trust of such big companies?

“It’s all about listening to your clients. I want everyone to experience the joy and satisfaction of witnessing their ideas turn into a reality. That is what Akasi means. Be it their dream wedding event, capturing them & their family’s most intimate moments, creatively presenting their product according to their vision, helping them craft their brand’s image or other limitless possibilities, I can guarantee that Akasi will deliver.”

We were also able to talk to one of the clients of Akasi who had recently used their space and services. This is what they had to say.

“Akasi really knows how to satisfy their clients. The company knows the basic ethics to collaborate with other companies. But the crowning jewel of the company is the quality of their work. Their focus on the minor details really wins you over.”

This is exactly what some of the other people that collaborated with the company had to say. Fiaz Ali and his team know the needs of their customers. This is one of the main factors that have made this company stand out from the lot.

“My goal is to make people aware of what a good quality of work is, so their expectations match the real possibilities. So, what genuinely separates us from the rest of the industry is that we deeply understand what the customer wants and guide them on what needs to be done”, Fiaz stated.

Akasi has transformed from a company with one man doing it all, to a number of workers now hired for different tasks. We can understand that at the early stage of the company, with all the strings in Fiaz’s hand, he knew what he wanted to do with it. However, it is only plausible that bringing in more people to handle the strings can make everything a lot more complicated. How is the workforce able to understand the mission statement, goals, and objectives of the company?

Fiaz explained,

“I believe that no matter how talented an individual is, he or she needs to know how to work in collaboration with other people. But most importantly an individual’s motivation to work shouldn’t just be the monetary benefits but rather the love for what we stand for and what we do.”

Lastly, we had to ask the main principles that motivate Fiaz Ali to wake up every day, passionate and motivated to achieve the goals he has set for his company. His answer was brief but profound.

“Reliability, Consistency, and Quality.”

It was a great learning experience for our team to meet such an inspirational and determined young businessman of Pakistan. With a company like Akasi, which is motivating many other young entrepreneurs to work for their goals, it’s only a matter of time that the media industry of Pakistan would be reinvented and reignited.

Well, if you have made it till here, congratulations!

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